An interconnected family of supernovas burning bright in the night sky: take a moment, reach out—join us.
A Patron Saint's Skull Crowned with Flowers
Justin A. Clark
there is no god keep throwing stones into barrels,
there is only you and me the way a mountain and a valley
roaring in the dark touch at twilight, at sunrise;
like this: your name written two roads diverging at a sign post
on the outside of a vessel left standing with names scratched
in the heart of hell: in the front: yours, mine,
a man, a woman all our names
and the heart that holds it all; floating in the smoke,
there are thousands in this life roaring in the dark
who will fall in love only like this: giving up on hope
to return just one more time and dying of broken things;
to the things they hate. melancholy and grief,
the truth is everyone wants to go to hell a songbird sings only
but it ain't such a pleasant place what it can’t forget, only what it holds
once you finally get through the door, in its hand: your name written
just screams and tears and a long haul on the inside of a vessel
back to the beginning. where treasures are stored
About the Author
Justin Clark is a single father. He has an Associates of Science in History and an Associates of Art in Philosophy. His work has been featured in The Tecumseh Review and Southchild Lit.