An interconnected family of supernovas burning bright in the night sky: take a moment, reach out—join us.
In Arao
May Chong
Here was bear country, ageless,
roughtailed. Before
the fall,
a crossroad guarded
by three gods, glowing seasilk.
Here, Grandmother says,
the soil grew dreams; cradled
your soul and swung it
true north.
Old hearts sing magpie
below stars bright as belief.
There were heroes at play here
and now the junction gods
are leaves spinning
down a well of stale decades.
Here are the walls the shells the
light made too strong
to survive. A threshold
made uncrossable. The charm
Those dreams shrug off their seedcoat
to rise three minutes too late, too late
when called.
About the Author
May Chong (@maysays on Twitter) is a bi Malaysian poet/speculative writer who aims to tackle the heart and tickle the soul. Her verse has been featured in Bending Genres, Voice & Verse, amberflora, Fantasy Magazine, and more. Away from the keyboard, she enjoys birdwatching, great stories, and terrible, terrible puns. May's first microchap Seed, Star, Song is currently available from Ghost City Press.