An interconnected family of supernovas burning bright in the night sky: take a moment, reach out—join us.
Thank God for chai tea lattes
Stephanie Tom
after Talin Tahajian
& capybaras. Thank God / for scented kitchen candles. Thank God for skylights / & open windows after rain. / In every dream I am / standing in the middle of a room with no ceiling & / the stars are close enough to kiss / in the middle of the day. I am reminded / of what it feels like to be / the word synecdoche rolling / around in the mouth, all sharp / edges smoothed by familiarity. I haven’t always been / a very religious person but I have always believed in / the First Law of Thermodynamics & you. That someone / is smiling over us every day. That / light exists in others when the sky / clouds over. That the birds / will still sing as long as they are / awake. Every note a prayer for gratitude each morning / the sun has risen. There are too many / people I could turn to & thank so / let’s just say this is a love letter / to every reason for still being here today.
About the Author
Stephanie Tom is a current student at Cornell University. She has previously been recognized by the National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, the International Torrance Legacy Creativity Awards, and the International Save the Earth Poetry Contest. She is an alumna of the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program, a 2019 winner of the Poets & Writers Amy Award, and the author of Travel Log at the End of the World (Ghost City Press, 2019). When she’s not writing, she dabbles in dance, martial arts, and graphic design.