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Dear Body
**content warning: discussion of body image and weight**
Dear Body, I am profoundly sorry.
It was not until now that I am witnessing
your comeliness. I was fed poisonous lies that led
me to believe what "perfection" defined. As a result, I
foolishly believed them. I tortured you. I betrayed you. All
because I wanted to fit into society's norms. All so I could fit
the outward description of "beauty." The mirror that I
once used to admire myself in became my exe-
cutioner. The digit on the scale became
my imperious & revolting referee.
I was so infatuated by the
concept of fitting
in that I never
how much
harm I was cau-
sing to you. As I've
reflected on my body image,
I deeply regret all the negligence I
adopted when it came to you. Instead of
embracing your flaws, they became the bane of
my existence. However, my pride no longer engenders
the “ideal” configuration. Every single one of your flaws
compose a polychromatic canvas; one that specifically sets me
apart. Regardless of what I've come to learn, I once again apol-
ogize for everything I've done. I'm sorry for not leaving
you be. I'm sorry for not setting you free.