An interconnected family of supernovas burning bright in the night sky: take a moment, reach out—join us.
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cover art: original photo by Giosue Russo via Getty Images
Letter from the Editor
Dear Issue 04 readers,
These winter nights have been far too long. And yet, the stars have never burned brighter. Thirteen constellations await you—welcome to Interstellar Literary Review’s Issue 04.
Whether it’s the hauntingly ethereal atmosphere of Matthew Miller’s “There are Spirits Walking the Rocks of Lake Superior” or the luminous prose in Sherice Kong’s “Tiffany,” Issue 04’s works promise to lead us through even the darkest of night skies. We hope they guide you just as much as they did us.
As always, we couldn’t thank our beloved contributors enough for making this possible. It’s with your words that we’re able to shine. Much gratitude and endless amounts of love to our submitters and to the community for supporting us. And of course, thank you, dear readers, for looking to the sky after so long.
Issue 04 awaits.
Warmest, always,
Sunny Vuong
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Interstellar Literary Review
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Poetry ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Adelina Rose Gowans
Matthew Miller
Lee Potts
Aura Martin
Zoe Reay-Ellers
Sarah Wallis
Grace Liu
Adelina Rose Gowans
Aura Martin
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Prose ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Jessica June Rowe
Tahnee Freda
Dominic Hemy